Connect your audience with a great experience

VR and marketing keynote

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Virtual reality creates new ways of story telling for brands


The audience is in the middle of a commercial or product environment

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Take your customers to a virtual experience


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Read more about the implementations of virtual reality and marketing here

Konterball virtual reality ping pong

Konterball virtual reality ping pong Konterball is a 2-player virtual reality game, built for the web, using three.js, cannon.js and Konterball is made by wild in Vienna with the help of Fifth Music.Buy CelebrexBuy...

Trailer High Five – Virtual Reality Familiefilm

Trailer High Five – Virtual Reality Familiefilm

Vanaf woensdag 19 april, is de eerste virtual reality familiefilm High Five te zien in The VR Cinema in Amsterdam. De film is een coproductie van Samsung en &samhoud media. De rollen worden gespeeld door Frank Lammers, Stefan de Walle, Bracha van Doesburgh en Daan...

Ancient Jerusalem in Virtual Reality

Ancient Jerusalem in Virtual Reality This virtual reality app brings ancient Jerusalem to life. Get it now on Google Play: or on the App Store: CelebrexBuy IbuprofenBuy NaprelanAdvil Online

Earth Night Lights in Virtual Reality

Earth Night Lights in Virtual Reality

Source: NASA Satellite images of Earth at night — often referred to as "night lights" — have been a gee-whiz curiosity for the public and a tool for fundamental research for nearly 25 years. They have provided a broad, beautiful picture, showing how humans have shaped...

Virtual Reality chair

Virtual Reality chair Leah Yamshon gets an early look at an amazing new immersive experience from Voyager: a VR chair that adds incredible new dynamics to the experience through the use of advanced haptic feed back and unique motorized hardware...

You can become virtual reality ski jumper

You can become virtual reality ski jumper Join Anders Jacobsen and Fredrik Bjerkeengen on top of Holmenkollen, and learn the essential elements of ski jumping. At the end you'll also experience jumping in one of the world's most famous ski jumping hills.  Buy...

Ashes to ashes in virtual reality an one-shot story

Ashes to ashes in virtual reality an one-shot story

Ashes to ashes is a surreal tragicomedy in virtual reality. The 11-minute one-shot immerses the viewer in the story about a dysfunctional family burdened with the bizarre final wish of their deceased grandfather. Filmed from the perspective of the urn containing the...

“All we’re doing is travelling without moving”



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VRmaster is inspired by Google Cardboard and a concept of WOID

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