by detlef la grand | Jul 10, 2017 | beste vr apps, nieuws, Training, vrije-tijd, zorg
Deep VR presents Players on a Virtual Reality headset and a custom DEEP controller to explore a beautiful and mysterious underwater world. Allow the game to sweep you into its relaxing embrace as it teaches you yogic breathing techniques that can alleviate stress,...
by detlef la grand | Jul 8, 2017 | beste vr apps, educatie, nieuws, vrije-tijd
Blocks makes creating 3D models easy, powerful, and fun Shape Stroke Paint Modify Grab Erase With six tools you can create models as simple as a mug and as complex as a spaceship. Easily create beautiful 3D models in VR with Blocks. Make your own...
by detlef la grand | May 23, 2017 | beste vr apps, educatie, nieuws, zorg
Een Virtual Reality cursus voor omgaan met hoogtevrees Uit wetenschappelijk onderzoek is gebleken dat zelfhulpbehandelingen via mobiele telefonie effectief zijn voor diverse klachten zoals angstklachten. Ook weten we dat Virtual Reality (VR) effectief is voor...
by detlef la grand | May 8, 2017 | beste vr apps, educatie, nieuws, vrije-tijd
Konterball is a 2-player virtual reality game, built for the web, using three.js, cannon.js and Konterball is made by wild in Vienna with the help of Fifth Music.Buy CelebrexBuy Naprosyn
by detlef la grand | Apr 15, 2017 | beste vr apps, educatie, nieuws, vrije-tijd
This virtual reality app brings ancient Jerusalem to life. Get it now on Google Play: or on the App Store: CelebrexBuy IbuprofenBuy NaprelanAdvil...
by detlef la grand | Mar 24, 2017 | beste vr apps, educatie, Marketing, nieuws, vrije-tijd
Tracks are taken from the new album Humanz, out April 28. Pre-order / stream here: Hit subscribe ?? to get it first. EXPERIENCE SATURNZ BARZ (SPIRIT HOUSE) IN 2D HERE: Or look at some other amazing 360 animations...