Virtual reality architecture

Virtual-reality architecture will be “more powerful than cocaine via @dezeen Interview: every architect will soon design using 3D goggles, according to designer and visualiser Olivier Demangel, who believes that virtual architecture will be as convincing as the...
Virtual reality and architecture

Virtual reality and architecture

Virtual Reality: Coming to an Architecture Office Near You Source: Archdaily With an entry cost of less than $20 (for anyone who owns a smartphone), Google Cardboard could be the technology that gets people experimenting with virtual reality. Image © Google via the...
Rendering for virtual reality

Rendering for virtual reality

Google Cardboard | Architecture Rendering | Architecture Photography Google Cardboard and Virtual Reality in the world of Architecture: 3DS Max Source Josh Bapst Photo Google cardboard caught my eye in late 2014. I was not one of the first to know about the new...
Virtual reality binnen Founded by All

Virtual reality binnen Founded by All

Virtuele krachten bundeling Virtuele krachtenbundeling bij Founded by All De opkomst van virtual reality is niet meer te stuiten. Sinds Mathijs van Nieuwkerk in DWDD bang werd in een virtuele rollercoaster met de Oculus Rift VR bril is de virtuele achtbaan doorgegaan....
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