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Source: Virtualreality-news.net

1. Travel: Hidden village in Grand Canyon

For anyone who’s a fan of ‘exploring’ or VR travel, this video is a must see and does pretty much what it says on the tin (or in the title).

2. Sport: Tour the Tour de France

If you’re a keen cycling fan but don’t fancy sticking your feet up in front of the telly, you can get up close and personal with some of the 198 cyclists in this official video.

3. Culture: Google’s Pride video

We love this 360 degree look at Pride celebrations around the world from Google. So much happiness in one video!

4. History: CNET’s Bletchley Park tour

This is a must see for history fans, and a very good example of a really well done educational 360 degree video. Good stuff, CNET.

5. Brands: Jaguar’s Feel Wimbledon experience

We have to admit, Jaguar did send us a #FeelWimbledon Cardboard headset as part of their recent marketing campaign, but we did very much enjoy using it to watch this video, in which you actually become* a tennis player.

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